Happy New Year!
nullight • December 29th 2024
💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Twitch Streams ⭐ Mascot with Lore⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Featured Content ⭐ Community Interaction ⭐
January 20th 2025
December 26th 2024
December 1st 2024
nullight • December 29th 2024
What an amazing year it's been for DisGalaxy. We've got some highlights for you!
Icaria, our mascot, has officially reached the end of her journey. She has now stepped outside the Last Reality, her home universe. She’s just a tiny blip in the vast construct of all time!
We’ve supercharged our moderators with a brand-new moderation setup, introduced over a dozen new Icaria emotes, and are proud to showcase our amazing community server icon (created by Emi <3)!
We witnessed a record-breaking amount of activity this year across the board—from events to voice chats, and 24/7 discussions covering hundreds of thousands of topics each month. Countless new friendships were formed, and so much more!
This is just a small glimpse of what we’ve achieved this year, and by all accounts, it’s been an absolute win for everyone involved. Just wait until you see what we have planned for 2025!
To finish off 2024, we've decided to spice things up this year. Usually, we host a Last To Leave event with the prize being a year of Nitro... But that's stinky, that's all we ever do... And it's boring. So instead, this year we'll be giving away some of the top games of 2024.
We'll be giving away free copies of various video games on the day of the event for those who participate. So be sure to stay posted; otherwise, you snooze, you lose!
While that's all going on, we'll have an open voice chat where you can come hang out, meet new peeps, and just have fun celebrating the end of the year. Depending on how much activity we get, we'll split up the voice chat into multiple channels.
On the day, we'll have lots of silly games to play for chances to win other prizes.